Monday, March 12, 2012

The Best People Ever

I know you think that your Grandparents are the best. BUT my Nana and Tata are really the best people ever. My Tata is a billionaire who can do anything and my Nana is the most beautiful woman and is the nicest person ever. The last time I went to their house they had a whole bag filled with me new clothes for me! It was so awesome. I decided I wanted to make them something super extra special. It took me a few days and I did get a little bit of help from my Mom, but I made them a book.

Yes my first book. It is a true story. Based on true events. The people in my story are real and all the things in the book really happened. Here it is....

Nana and Tata: The Best People Ever
By Sophia

Tata is the best.... he taught me how to fish.

Nana is the best.... She makes the best food ever.
Nana & Tata are the best.... They took me to Legoland
Tata is the best....He makes the best orange juice.

Nana is the best....She plays with us.

Nana & Tata is the best.... They bought me clothes.
and I love you so so so so much.